Privacy Policy

H C T Service Pty Ltd as trustee for HCTS Trust trading as HealthCare Training Service is an entity within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the 2014 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). These regulate how organisations collect, use, keep, secure, disclose and dispose of personal information.  HealthCare Training Service is bound by the Act and APPs.

The APPs ensure that organisations holding information about people handle that information responsibly.  HealthCare Training Service undertakes its obligations to protect privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality and security of personal information provided by you to us.

Information concerning participants, including information submitted at enrolment, will be used by HealthCare Training Service for the purposes of general enrolment administration, reporting, program monitoring and evaluation.  The information may be disclosed to an agency authorised to undertake accreditation surveys. HealthCare Training Service does not sell or give away our customer lists.

HealthCare Training Service collects personal information about you and your interactions with us when you register for a course or acquire a product or service. The types of personal information collected and held by HealthCare Training Service will vary depending on your dealings with us, and may include any or all of the following:

  • Name, address(es), telephone number(s) and other contact details
  • Associated company name(s), position, occupation and other business details
  • Electronic address(es)
  • Transaction details relating to your use of our products or services.

The provision of this information is necessary for both initial enrolment and re-enrolment in all HealthCare Training Service’s courses.  Information provided will be held securely and disposed of securely when no longer required. The personal information you provide on this website will be used by HealthCare Training Service to:

  • Provide you with products and services you have ordered.
  • Process your course registrations or bookings, which may include updating your record and profile information.
  • Contact you regarding the orders you have placed on the website including such matters as course cancellation.
  • Answer any direct enquiries.
  • Undertake billing and receipt management.
  • Conduct analysis or market research to identify the ongoing needs of registrants and users.
  • Inform you of a range of products or services provided by HealthCare Training Service that may be of interest to you.
  • Provide additional customer service.
  • Comply with legal obligations where necessary.
  • Undertake planning, research and statistical analysis.

HealthCare Training Service will not disclose your personal information to any third party (with the exception of our contractors or agents involved in providing you with products or services you have requested) unless you have consented to such disclosure or we are required or authorised by law.  HealthCare Training Service may disclose personal information which you have provided to our external service providers to whom we have contracted out functions, such as Australia Post, Couriers and our Financial Institution, but only in respect to services or products you order. We do not store credit card details or provide your personal details to any parties that do not relate specifically to your purchase. You reserve the right to access any personal information which HealthCare Training Service holds about you (subject to the exceptions in the Information Privacy Act 2009).  You may request copies of the personal information by writing (send request to: PO Box 426, Albany Creek, Qld  4035) or by contacting HealthCare Training Service (phone 07 3325 0188 or email

If you become aware that the personal information we hold about you is out of date, incomplete or inaccurate, please contact our Administration Team to notify us in order for any inconsistencies to be corrected.  We will always make a correction unless there is a valid reason to oppose such correction.

This Privacy Policy will be subject to regular review and updated as required. If you have concerns at any time please contact our Administration Team on 07 3325 0188 or email

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